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Flight Medic Sgt Nate Whorton: A lot of people ask me: How do you do this job ? How do you deal with paople dying, hurt people every day. For me it's a matter of focus. I don't focus on the person in pain. I try and focus on the fact that we are doing something good for them. If it weren't for us being there they wouldn't receive any care at all. Often times in a mass casualty incident you have to choose between injured forces. You have more people than you can treat on your own at that time with your amount of resources. So you actually have to pick who is going to live. and who is going to die. The objective is to do the most good for the most people. So if by saving three people this one person dies. At least this guy in his death is sacrificing his life to save three people. You can't beat yourself up over one bad call. You gotta take the hits and focus on the good you are doing. Friends and family they don't want to know all the details. They think they do, so you give them the answers that kind of appease them. Nobody wants to hear about anybody dying. I have a personal responsibility and obligation to the guy on the ground risking his life every day to protect my family back home. I'm going to do what I can to pull him out. And if someone is standing in the way of his safety, it's a bad day for that someone.